7 Best Way to Experience Rural Balinese Life

The rural side of Bali is quite amazing. Not only because you are in the midst of beautiful nature and soothing place but also because of the local residents activities that will give you many new things. If you are still confused about finding the right activities to experience rural Balinese life, here are our guidance.



1. Trekking


trekking in rural bali area

Credit: UbudBaliTrekking

Almost all villages in Bali are located in hilly areas and forests. You can use this condition as a traveling area. While trekking you can also see local people activities in the rice field area or deep inside the forest. Trekking in a quiet rural lane without a lot of motorized vehicles can be a choice of activity while you vacationing in Bali.



2. Cycling


cycling around bali villages

Credit: BaliVentur

Other than trekking or walking in the vast nature of rural Bali, cycling can be your next simple choice in exploring villages. When you are too tired to walk, riding a bicycle will actually take you further from one village to another. Riding a bicycle or walking is a healthy activity that you can do during your vacation because the fresh air of Bali nature will fill your body.



3. Learn the Local Culture


bali local culture

Credit: commons.wikimedia.org

Local culture does not exist in urban but in rural area. Traditional things will be more interesting to review than the modern one that you are used to feeling or knowing. Local culture in the villages of Bali will provide further knowledge about their ethnicity, customs and even ways of thinking.


Just try go to Trunyan Village where there are bodies of local people who have died plastered under the trees without being buried. Or come to Panglipuran Village where you can find Balinese traditional house architecture in a very beautiful and neat structure.



4. Enjoy the Natural Relaxation


resting to enjoy natural relaxation of rural bali area

Credit: Flytographer

The most appropriate reason to travel in rural Bali is to enjoy its beautiful and green nature. Rural areas in Bali feature terraces, hills, rice fields and forests that are very green and cool. Comfortable and calm atmosphere will make you relaxed.


Even seeing the nature and smell the fresh air of the countryside can relieve the stress that usually affecting urban communities. Resting in the middle of a rice field or hillside residence is really your “anti-stress pill”.



5. Typical Culinary


typical balinese culinary in the village

Credit: Civitatis

If you are in a modern place you will get international cuisine with 5-star hotel quality, right? But in the countryside you will feel a very different experience. There are no chemicals or excessive seasonings and no “fake ingredients” that are included in the Balinese meal. Everything is natural.


Moreover, you will definitely find typical culinary variations that will not be found in tourist areas in general. Try to find “laklak cake” and feel the rich taste.



6. Taking Part in Local Residents Activity


taking part in local residents activities in balinese village


Many local residents in rural areas of Bali have jobs as producers of original Balinese artwork. Most of them are farmers, painters, sculptors and other art workers.


While touring you can join the local residents to find out how to do carving, painting, Balinese rural farming as well as playing Balinese traditional music instruments. Imagine the moments of carving or painting in front of rice fields view and enveloped in the cool mountain air. Fantastic!



7. Take Photographs of Community Life


photographing the balinese community life

Credit: BaliRuralCommune

Usually international tourists are very enthusiastic about traditional Balinese life. The reality is that the Balinese have a portrait of simple life but so beautiful to capture. The stories of its civilization are very interesting to review.


Later when you have gathered all the pictures, you can share to others on how you spent time with the traditional Balinese people while taking holidays in Indonesia.


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