Flores is a regency area in East Nusa Tenggara Province of Indonesia. This region has many interesting and exotic tourist attractions that you can visit and enjoy their beauty. Besides having many natural and cultural attractions, Flores also has many beautiful beaches for you to visit such as the Koka Beach which is surrounded by lovely green hills, Watotena Beach which has boat-shaped stones and not to forget the Pink Beach with its showy pink sand. Here are recommendations for five good beaches in Flores that you can add to your itinerary list.
1. Koka Beach

Credit: CatatanEtoTjeme
In East Nusa Tenggara there is one charming beach named the Koka Beach. Clear turquoise water, fine white sand and beautiful hills create a super cool natural scenery. Koka Beach or nicknamed The Dream Beach is located in Wolowiro Village, Paga District, Sikka Regency, Maumere City, East Nusa Tenggara Province. This beach is one of the favorite tourist attractions in Maumere.
Koka Beach offers a completely different natural charm. This beach is surrounded by green hills that are so beautiful. You can see the beauty of the curved Koka Beach from the top of the hill. It is said that the name Koka Beach was taken from the name of a bird that often flies there. Until now this bird can still be found for those who are the lucky ones.
2. Mbuu Beach

Credit: KSMTour
Although it is not yet very popular, the beauty of Mbuu Beach will leave you amazed. Mbuu Beach is the most unique beach from Flores, located in Ende Regency. The local community also label is as the Nangasesa Beach because the location is in Nangasesa Village. Not many people know this beach which is located about 5 kilometers from the center of Ende City.
Using public transporation or motorized vehicles, this beach can be reached in 15 minutes. Mbuu Beach is located behind H. Hasan Aroeboesman Airport, Ende. The unique thing about this beach is visitors not only can enjoy the view of the sea and the sea breezes, but can also see the activities of women who are looking for rocks for mining need.
3. Pink Beach

Credit: OurTasteForLife
The blue sky and clear sea water framed by a stretch of white sand is probably a common sight when visiting beaches. But what if the natural beauty of the beach is framed by pink sand beach? Of course this is not unusual. The Pink Beach is one of the beauties that you can find in the Komodo National Park area, East Nusa Tenggara.
Pink Beach is one of seven pink sand beaches in the world. The Pink Beach underwater park is home to a variety of fish species, hundreds of types of the coral reefs as well as various other types of marine life. Therefore, snorkeling or diving is an activity that should not to be missed when visiting this lovely beach. Named as the Pink Beach because the beach sand has pink color.
4. Watotena Beach

Credit: TravlrIndonesia
Adonara, one of the islands on the eastern tip of Flores has a variety of beautiful natural potential. One of the most famous beautiful beach in Adonara is Watotena Beach. The actual name of this beach is Neren Watotena but the people of Adonara used to call it Watotena Beach only. It is located in Nelerereng Village, Ileboleng Timur Adonara District, East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Province.
The name Watotena itself means the boat made of stone or boat-shaped stone. This can be seen from the black rocks (magma stone) that surround the shoreline which have boat shape. The scenery at Watotena Beach is very beautiful, with slow waves and the cool ocean breeze. You can also see the view of the Ile Boleng Mountain, Lembata Island as well as Solor Islands from the beach area.
5. Penggajawa Beach

Credit: IqbalKautsar
One of good beach attractions that must be in your itinerary list when visiting Flores is the Penggajawa Beach. This beach is located in Penggajawa Village, Nanga Panda District, Ende Regency, Flores. Penggajawa Beach or also known as Batu Hijau (Green Stone) Beach has its own charming scenery. The coastline of Penggajawa Beach is so long. With its white sand, Penggajawa Beach looks even more beautiful because of the presence of green rocks on its beaches.
You can see stunning view of the beach complete with its clear blue sea water, beautiful natural surroundings and the spread of bluish green stones that exist along the shoreline. Very beautiful for sure. Not only blue or turquoise, other stones even have purple, red, white, yellow, even layers of color. These stones have various shapes with its natural color. There are squares, triangles, round and oval as well with various sizes.