Indonesian Public Holidays

The 2020 Indonesia public holidays consist of 16 national holidays. During the Indonesia public holidays, all government institutions, bank offices, schools, universities, stock exchanges and mostly private sector companies are closed except tourism industry such as hotels, restaurants, travel agencies as well as transportation business are normally open. This condition valid for all part of Indonesia.





January 1st, 2020: New Year 2020


January 25th, 2020: Imlek (Chinese New Year 2571) – Chinese Days





No public holidays





March 22nd, 2020: Isra Miraj (The ascension day of Prophet Muhammad SAW) – Muslim Days


March 25th, 2020: Nyepi (Silent Day) – Balinese Hindus

Balinese Hindu New Year, especially in Bali Island all the activities will be closed, no airport, no harbor, no road, no machine activities, no local TV, no local radio, no public facilities operated. All the population must stay in their home, as well as the visitor must stay in their hotel for 24 hours, starting from 25th March at 06.00 am to 06.00 am in the next day (26th march). Limited access transportation allowed only for emergency situation. Such as: Ambulance for sick people or fire brigade. There are four main philosophy for NYEPI DAY namely the “Catur Brata Penyepian” which are: Amati Geni (No fire), Amati Karya (No work/No activities), Amati Lelungan (Don’t go anywhere) and Amati Lelanguan (No entertainment). For spiritually people, they will do some meditation, yoga, 24 hours fasting, etc. Another islands in Indonesia also on holiday, but their daily activities running normally.
For visitor: They will feel a full 24 hours fresh air, calm and no pollution, no machine and very relax also limited light in the night.





April 10th, 2020: Wafatnya Isa Almasih (The funeral day of Jesus Christ) – Christian Days


April 24th – May 24th, 2020: Fasting Period for Ramadan (Only for Muslim People) – Muslim Days

In this period, especially in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Lombok, the activities of Muslim people will be more intensive, such as Quran recitation and Adzan could be hear everywhere. (Except in Bali, Flores, Toraja, Manado, there are not many Muslim activities, as majority of Bali population are Hindus, while east part of Indonesia mostly are Christian).





May 1st, 2020: Hari Buruh (Labour Day) – International


May 7th, 2020: Waisak Day (Buddhism New Year 2559) – Buddhism Days


May 21st, 2020: Kenaikan Isa Almasih (The Ascension Day of Jesus Christ) – Christian Days


May 24th – 25th, 2020: Idul Fitri (1 Syawal 1434 H) – Muslim Days

This is the peak holidays for Muslim people after one month fasting period. Important Notice: Normally 4 days prior to Idul Fitri until 4 days after Idul Fitri all the traffics (land, air, sea transportation) will be very busy and many traffic jams within Sumatra, Java & Bali Island as many Muslim people will go back to their home village/city to see their family and celebrate the holidays (this moving process called MUDIK ). In this period, it is not recommended for tourists visiting Java, Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan. Meanwhile, all the schools, universities, bank office, stock exchange, private company will closed for minimum one week from May 21st – May 27th, 2020.





June 1st, 2020: Hari Lahir Pancasila – National Days

This is national day as the birth of Pancasila, national ideology of Indonesia.


June 15th – July 12th, 2020: School Holidays (Indonesia)

This school holidays some time could be change within:
One week in advance or one week in step back. In this period, all the school activities will be closed for around one month 12 July 2020 after the final examination, to get upper level class or next step of school.





July 31st, 2020: Idul Adha (Muslim Day of Sacrifice) – Muslim Days

Idul Adha is a special days for Muslim people to do a Qurban (Sacrifices). Normally for Muslim people in all over Indonesia, they will slaughter Cow, Buffalo or Goat and then share the meat with the community around their home or share with poor people in the city. For tourist who stay in Java, Lombok or Sumatra, they can easily find this activities during Idul Adha in early morning.





August 17th, 2020: Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia (Indonesian Independence Day) – National Days

In this day, in every regent, capital city and school there will be held Upacara Bendera (National Flag ceremony), normally started from 07.30 am to 10.00 am.
For Visitor: If you are interesting to see how the flag ceremony is held just come to the capital city of each regent in Indonesia.


August 20th, 2020: Tahun Baru 1435 Hijriyah (Muslim New Year) – Muslim Days





No public holidays





October 29th, 2020: Maulid Nabi Muhammad (Birthday of Prophet Muhammad) – Muslim Days





No public holidays





December 25th, 2020: Hari Raya Natal (Christmas) – Christian Days

In this period, we can suggest tourists to try see CHRISTMAS in local church, to see the different atmosphere.


Short School Holidays

In December, there will be also short school holidays for 1 week. It will be between the first to the third week of the month. This holiday normally for the first examination in the new class.


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