Essential Tips Before Mount Semeru Trekking

Mount Semeru is the highest mountain in Java Island with its peak, the Mahameru. Its iconic sand leaves an impression on anyone who has ever fondled it. A cloud of smoke from the Jonggring Soloka crater made the mountain even more loved. It is everyone dream to go there.


Well, for you who have plan to climb this mountain, here are some essential tips before Mount Semeru Trekking.


tips before climbing semeru mountain

Credit: BromoIjenTravelAdventure


Please note, started in October 2017, the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) has implemented an online system registration for climbing Mount Semeru. The quota is for 300 persons per day. So, minimum one week before climbing, please complete your online registration.


Visit TNBTS website and follow the online steps to register. The price of permits entering the conservation area (SIMAKSI) is IDR19,000 / person / day (weekday) and IDR20,000 / person / day (weekend). All prices are subject to change without prior notice. Then prepare a photocopy of your KTP / SIM / Passport, a health certificate from a doctor (valid for a maximum of 4 days), an IDR6,000 stamp duty and proof of payment. Those files must be duplicated.


The requirements above must indeed be omitted to facilitate the TNBTS to record and control visitors. It is also to avoid illegal climbers.


Please come to Ranupani Post no later than 15.30 PM because the last briefing is only until that time. If it exceeds, then you have to wait for the next day.


trekking gear you need to prepare

Credit: Pinterest


In accordance with the TNBTS provisions, the equipment that must be taken per person are trekking shoes, sandals, roomy clothes, socks, hats / balaclava, jackets, backpacks, raincoats, sleeping bags, mattresses, flashlights / headlamps. For group equipment can bring tents and cooking utensils.


Those equipment are indeed the standard for mountain climbing. But there are another important things you should bring which are the first aid kit and personal medicine (for those who have certain diseases). They looks trivial and often overlooked so remember to bring them.


The general transportation route for Mt. Semeru trekking usually passes through Malang City. Can use the train, bus or private vehicle. Malang – Tumpang – Ranupani. For private vehicles, it is not recommended to use automatic motorbike because the rough terrain. If using private vehicles you can go directly to Ranupani via Tumpang.


From Malang City station, find transportation to Arjosari Terminal. It’s better to take the bus because you can directly heading to Tumpang market. Taking public transportation is cheap, but (maybe) takes time. At Arjosari there are also vehicle for charter but the price more expensive, but you don’t need to wait.


From Tumpang market, there are two choices before heading to Semeru posts which are taking a truck or a jeep. For trucks the costs is around 50 thousand rupiah per person. It’s cheap, but you have to wait until it full loaded. For jeeps, the price offered is around 650 thousand rupiah per car. It can load to 10 people and immediately depart.


jeep rental to semeru post

Credit: Journesia


Starting from Ranu Pani to Ranu Kumbolo will take 5 hours. Ranu Kumbolo to Kalimati will take 3 hours. And if you decide to go to the Mahameru Summit then will take around 5-8 hours. Packing luggage is important for your comfort and safety during the journey.


FYI, the time limit at the Semeru peak only until 10:00 in the morning. More than that is not recommended. It is because the course of the wind to the hiking trail mostly carry poisonous fumes.


The principle of packing the luggage is all equipment are in the carrier bag (except water bottles for travel) and put the items according to time of use. For example, the very bottom is the tent, sleeping bag and clothes. Then the food, water and medicines on it. Small but important items such as cellphones, cameras, pocket knives, flashlights can be placed next to the left and right of the carrier bag. Or carry another small bag.


semeru trekking journey

Credit: Pinterest


You can also wrap items in a plastic bag separately for sleeping bags, clothes, jackets as well as the food. Well, a good packing technic is that when all items are loaded, the carrier will stand tall even without a buffer.


The increasing number of Semeru climbers bring its own benefit for the surrounding population. From transportation services, porters, souvenirs to food sellers. Along the hiking trail, many residents sell food and drinks. Most of them sell mineral water, watermelons, fried foods and also cigarettes.


Those are essential tips before Mount Semeru Trekking that you need to notice before climbing the Mount Semeru. Please keep in mind that the main goal for the trekking is not to reaching the peak, but to go home safely.


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