8 Fun Things to Do During The Coronavirus Pandemic at Home

As the result of Coronavirus pandemic offices re-extended the work from home (WFH) policy including the teaching and learning activities at school which are also suspended until further notice. One of the impact is that the community began to be hit by boredom because of limited activities while only stay at home.


As already known, the government keep asking citizens to be discipline in carrying out instructions to keep their distance (social-physical distancing), so it is recommended not to do outdoor activities if it is not really urgent.


The World Health Organization (WHO) is well aware of the conditions faced by people with various policies to stay at home or more at home during the Corona virus pandemic.


WHO through their official social media recommends several things that can be done by all family members while undergoing a period of independent quarantine in stay at home campaign.


Maybe some of you have already done it, maybe you haven’t. Therefore, there is no harm in trying the following recommendations because these activities can fill your time while keeping your body fit and healthy. With a body that is always in shape and fit, you will have more vitality to tackle various diseases amid the Corona virus pandemic.


Here are several physical activities and fun things to do during the Coronavirus pandemic at home to maintain your fitness and health. Invite other family members to join it!



1. Playing video game


paling video game wii

Credit: Kincir


Playing video game is not always bad. In the situations like now, it is recommended to choose video games that can make you move, such as the Nintendo Wii. Conversely, it is not recommended to play video games too long that only makes you sit tight or lie all day.



2. Taking online sports classes


online sports classes

Credit: Prevention


With current conditions, it is strongly recommended not to go to the gym as you used to. Instead, change your gym exercise agenda just by doing it at home and taking online exercise classes. Lately, many have offered this service. You only need to choose, which is suitable for you to follow.



3. Dancing


dancing activity during stay at home campaign

Credit: SouthChinaMorningPost


Dancing is a form of physical activity that is very easy to do. Post your favorite songs, of any type, and just sway or move to the tune. No need to be ashamed if you want to sing loudly as well, because it can also relieve fatigue and make your psychological condition better. Do it with other family members to make it more exciting.



4. Skipping


skipping activity at home

Credit: BBC


Another physical activity that can be done is rope jumping or skipping. This activity is quite easy to do using simple equipment.



5. Strength training and muscle balance


Strength training at home using stairs

Credit: RealSimple


There are various activities and fun things to do to maintain the strength and balance of your muscles. If you lucky to have a level house, you can go up and down the stairs of the house, several times a day. Do it while listening to your favorite music.



6. Movies streaming


movie streaming is fun thing to do at home

Credit: Tlists


With all the extra time available for people who stay at home or work from home, streaming movies online is the most fun thing to do.



7. Try new things or do the hobbies


Try new things or do the hobbies

Credit: Youtube


Ever thought of doing something you haven’t done in a long time? Now, this is the right time to do it again. For example you can try new cooking recipes, try painting, gardening or sewing. Everything you can do from home and get all the tutorials from the internet.



8. Renew house


Renew house is another fun thing to do while coronavirus pandemic

Credit: EvokeLivingHomes


While work from home, you can also create activities to renew the house. Activities that you can do, for example:
– Clean the room that is rarely used
– Redecorate the bedroom
– Sorting out clothes that can still be used and which ones will be donated
– Rearrange the living room
– Etc


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