COVID-19: FAQ Related to Covid-19 in Indonesia

As a result of COVID-19 (the coronavirus), we understand you have questions and concerns about your upcoming travel especially to Indonesia. Therefore, we have summarized some points regarding the spreading of Corona Virus disease in Indonesia.


Here are some FAQ related to Covid-19 in Indonesia



1. How to get information on Covid-19 in Indonesia


Halo Kemkes: 1500567

Twitter: @KemenkesRI

Facebook: @KementrianKesehatanRI

Instagram: @kemenkes_ri

Website: and


2. What is the hotline number for emergencies on Covid-19?

Contact the Hotline number from the Ministry of Health at 119 ext 9 for emergencies related to Covid-19.



3. How to prevent the spread of Covid-19


1. Clean your hands regularly
Wash your hands with soap and water, and dry them thoroughly. About 98 percent of the spread of the disease comes from the hands. Washing your hands thoroughly using soap and running water effectively kills germs, bacteria and viruses as well, including the Coronavirus.


2. Avoid touching your face area
Corona virus can infect your body through the triangular area of the face, such as the eyes, mouth and nose. The face area is vulnerable to being touched by the hands, consciously or unconsciously. It is very important to keep hands clean before and after contact with objects or shake hands with others.


3. Stop handshakes, hugs or kisses
Avoiding skin contact such as shaking hands can prevent the spread of the Corona virus. It is the best way for now. The hands and face can be a media to spread the Corona virus.


4. Avoid sharing personal items
Corona virus can survive on the surface for up to three days. Do not share dishes, cups/glasses, silverware, towels, bedding, or electronics with the person who is sick. Please use your own equipments for health and to prevent Corona virus infection.


5. Cough/Sneeze Etiquette
Corona virus can spread through the air. When you sneeze and cough, close your mouth and nose so that people around you aren’t exposed to salivary glands. If tissues are not available cough/sneeze into your upper arm or sleeve and avoid using your hands. You also need to turn away from other people when coughing/sneezing. Then move away from other people who are coughing/sneezing. Furthermore, always wash you hands after coughing/sneezing/blowing your nose.



4. What are the latest restrictions on entering Indonesia?


The Government of Indonesia officially prohibits foreign nationals (foreigners) from entering or transiting in Indonesian territory in suppressing the spread of the corona virus (Covid-19).


This policy takes effect from April 2nd, 2020 until an unspecified time or after the competent authority declares that the Covid-19 pandemic has been controlled and declared safe for the public.


Indonesian government official states that the rules on the entry and transit prohibitions had some exceptions to a number of foreigners. They include those who have a Limited Stay Permit (KITAS), Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP), holders of diplomatic residence permits and official residence permits.


In addition, medical and food aid and all its support personnel; sea, air and land conveyances; as well as foreigners working on national strategic projects are also allowed on conditions.


However, there are some conditions that they must meet. The conditions given include having a health certificate in English issued by the health authorities of each country and has been 14 days in a territory or country that are free of Covid-19.


The policy also apply regulations for foreigners residing in Indonesia. First, foreigners who hold a Visit Stay Permit (including visa-free visit and Visa on Arrival) that have expired or cannot be extended, will be granted emergency stay permit without having to submit an application to the Immigration Office and it is free of charge.


Then, foreigners who hold Limited Stay Permits and Permanent Stay Permits that have expired or cannot be extended again, will be given a suspension and given a emergency stay permit automatically without the need to submit an application to the immigration office and it willl not be charged.


The central government had also decided to implement large-scale social distancing to be accompanied by a civil emergency in some part of Indonesia. Indonesia President has issued a government regulation on the acceleration of Covid-19 mitigation to get the policy into force. He also issued a presidential decree on public health emergency related to Covid-19.



5. Are there any tourist attractions in Indonesia that are still open to public?


There are 34 provinces in Indonesia and each has its own policy regarding to the temporary closing of its main tourist attractions. But almost all popular tourist attractions all around Indonesia have been temporary closed until further notice.


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