Mangrove forest is one of the forests which are overgrown by mangrove plants on the edge of the ocean. The existence of this mangrove forest is to prevent abrasion. Indonesia has a lot of mangrove forests that grow naturally because it is an archipelago country that has a long coastline.
Indonesia now has 3.5 million hectares of mangrove forests, making it one of the countries in the world with the largest area of mangrove forests. It contributes 22.6 percent of the total area of the world’s mangrove ecosystem.
Mangrove forests bring great benefit to Indonesia’s population, around 40-50 percent who live near the coast area, in preventing abrasion and tsunamis, as well as seawater infiltration on land.
In Indonesia, there are several mangrove forest areas that are quite beautiful and are also used as tourist attractions. Mangrove forests can be a refreshing alternative for natural attractions. Enjoying the mangrove forest air while walking or riding a boat is certainly very fun to do. Here are 10 Indonesia mangrove forests open for tourists.
1. Muara Angke Mangrove Forest in Jakarta

Jakarta is an area located in the north part of West Java. It has a coastline covered with mangrove forests. One of them is open for tourists, which is the Muara Angke mangrove forest. This forest can become one of the favorite tourist spots for Jakarta residents and its surroundings.
Tourists can come for a tour while enjoying the natural scenery. This mangrove forest still has original habitat of the monkeys. They also indirectly help the spread of mangrove seedlings naturally.
2. Kulon Progo Mangrove Forest in Yogyakarta

The next mangrove forest open for tourists is the Kulon Progo Mangrove Forest. The location is in Pasir Mendit hamlet, Temon sub-district, Kulon Progo. This mangrove forest is above the Bogowonto River.
The panorama of beautiful natural scenery will make spellbound, taking pictures and enjoying your vacation in the nature. Moreover, there is a beauty of a bamboo bridge that extends along the edges.
3. Rembang Mangrove Forest in Central Java

Rembang is a city in Central Java. There is also a tourist spot for mangrove plants here. It is often visited by local tourists during long holidays or weekends.
The beautiful and green tourism environment indeed can attracts many tourists. The forest is also quite easy to reach from the city center, so tourists will have no trouble reaching this location.
4. Wanasari Mangrove Forest in Bali

The next Indonesia mangrove forest is in Bali, which is the Wanasari Mangrove Forest. In this mangrove forest there is also a Mangrove Information Center. This is where researchers often come to gather information.
Tourists who come to this tourist spot in Bali can see various kinds of animals exist there, such as birds. There is also a watchtower and binoculars that can be used to see the entire forest from long distance. This Mangroe Forest is a protector for many beaches in Bali.
5. Mangrove Wonorejo Ecotourism in Surabaya

Ecotourism Mangrove Wonorejo is a tourist spot for mangrove forests in Surabaya. More than half of the mangrove species in Indonesia thrive in this area. The native vegetation that grows in this area is dominated by mangroves plants. Several other types of plants are also found in this area such as ketapang (Terminalia catappa) and nipah (palma).
Apart from mangroves, there are also 83 species of exotic and rare birds such as the yellow bambangan, the red cangak, the Javan turtledove and the ivory punai. In this Wonorejo Mangrove Forest, visitors will see sea-type monkeys or long-tailed monkeys that live freely.
6. Bedul Mangrove Forest in Banyuwangi

Bedul Mangrove Forest is still part of Alas Purwo National Park area. This location is a tourist spot for mangrove forests in Banyuwangi. The Bedul Mangrove Forest is also a habitat for various animals such as monkeys, lizards, storks, albatrosses and blibis birds.
Here, visitors can walk along the tillers to enjoy the green vegetation of the mangrove forest. When the sea water is receding, many shell seekers or fishermen are catching their prey.
7. Tarakan Mangrove Forest

In East Kalimantan, precisely in Tarakan City, there is also a mangrove forest tourist attraction which is no less beautiful. The area even reaches 21 hectares and stores various types of mangrove plants.
Tarakan Mangrove Forest is the lungs of the city of Tarakan because this city is located near the coastal area. There are also several studies that are often carried out there to observe the mangrove ecosystem.
8. Muara Gembong Mangrove Forest in Bekasi

This mangrove forest tourist spot is still natural because it has not been visited by many tourists. It is the Muara Gembong Mangrove Forest. The charm of this place will make you fascinated.
The Muara Gembong mangrove forest reaches 5 hectares with a length of about 17 km. With such a large green area, the Muara Gembong mangrove forest can be said to be the lungs of Bekasi district.
9. Karimunjawa Mangrove Forest

Karimunjawa might more famous for its beaches, but you can still enjoy mangrove forest attractions here. You can enjoy the natural coolness of the Karimunjawa mangrove forest if you are bored with the beach atmosphere. In the Karimunjawa Mangrove Forest you can do trekking on a 1.3 km long wooden track.
After walking for about 700 meters, you can find a high viewing tower that can be used to see the extent of the Karimunjawa mangrove area. From the height of the tower you can also see the view of Cemara Besar Island and Cemara Kecil Island.
10. Gunung Anyar Mangrove Botanical Garden in Surabaya

Gunung Anyar Mangrove Botanical Garden in Surabaya is a popular destination for residents of Surabaya to seek cool atmosphere of nature. At the eastern part of this mangrove forest tourist spot, there is a 12 meter high viewing tower which can be used to view the mangrove area from a height.
It has also a river with lush green and beautiful mangroves. Various facilities can also be enjoyed freely. There is a 20-meter jogging track made of bamboo and arranged lengthwise across the mangrove plant area. There are some photo spots as well with green mangrove landscapes.