Authentic Travel

Meet the locals and learn more about Indonesia

Cradle of innumerable ethnic groups with multiple faces, Indonesia is a high symbol of tolerance and diversity. For those wishing to immerse themselves in the culture of locals, we offer tailor-made trips to Indonesia, to meet the locals and be part of their everyday life. Spending time with the locals will allow you to share true moments, unique, off the beaten track and miles away from mass tourism.


practice balinese gamelan


You can for example share the daily life of a Balinese or Javanese family for a day or more if you wish! This will allow you to discover their way of life. Your hosts will explain their customs and traditions around a coffee. They will tell you their story, they will show you what they cook and much more! You can also, if you wish, leave for a day to discover the work of a fisherman, farmer or artist.


rural balinese life


In the heart of more distant islands such as Sumatra, you can go to meet hunter peoples, gatherers like the Mentawai (Men Flowers). You will also be able to take part in the famous funerary rites of Toraja County in Sulawesi where the traditions far from western customs will not fail to surprise you.


mentawai tribe

Mentawai Tribe – West Sumatra


To understand the richness of a tailor-made circuit to meet Indonesian local populations, it is important to know that the whole archipelago is inhabited by a multitude of ethnic groups with distinct traditions. To summarize local people will always welcome you with open arms.



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