The Stunning Batutumonga
The alluring beauty of the landscape will stupefy your soul. There is no better place in Toraja to experience the beauty of nature than Batutumonga. Located on a dramatic ridge, high on the slopes of Gunung (Mount) Sesean, 90 minutes’ drive away from Rantepao, the capital of Toraja Utara. Batutumonga offers relaxing ambiance, cool temperature and beautiful views. On different viewpoints, you will discover the scenery is spectacular. It offers a mixture of terraced paddy fields, forests and open grassland. On a clear day, you can see Rantepao in the distance. It is the perfect place to visit, sit, relax and drink a warm cup of Tana Torajan coffee. Breathe in the very fresh mountain air while enjoying the scenery that stretches underneath. The tomb stones that scattered, traditional houses and rice fields that extend into a spectacular sight are the things to stare at Batutumonga.