Lampung Krakatau Festival 2019

The Lampung Krakatau Festival is one of leading cultural events held by Lampung Province, Indonesia. The festival which is regularly carried out every year is a cultural parade that elevates the cultural richness and traditions of Lampung. In addition, this event is also an occassion to promote the tourism potential of every regency and city in Lampung.


The festival, which is enlivened with carnivals, traditional art attractions, exhibitions and various competitions, has been carried out since 1990. During the events period there were many variations. Therefore, from year to year, there are differences in the content of the event being displayed. Part of the event that always gets the most attention is the carnival because it involves participation from all levels of society.


festival krakatau lampung

Credit: Sportourism


This year the festival has four main agendas and will be held from August 21-25th, 2019. The four main activities scheduled for the 2019 Krakatau Lampung Festival are the Enchantment of Sai Bumi Ruwa Jurai, the Krakatau Lampung Expo, the Krakatau Trip and the Lampung Cultural and Tapis Carnaval.


The Enchantment of Sai Bumi Ruwa Jurai will be highlighted with various activities including the official Opening Ceremony of the Lampung Krakatau Festival 2019, Tourism Expo, Lampung Culinary Bazaar, Arts and Culture Performance, Lampung Photography Exhibition as well as some traditional children’s games.


Commemorating the world historic eruption of Mount Krakatau on August 26, 1883, the Krakatau Tour Agenda will take the participants on an unforgettable journey in the past. The tour will start at Kalianda and to Sebesi Island (the closest livable island near Krakatau) before finally reaching the Krakatau Volcanic Islands to set foot on Mount Anak Krakatau formed after the monumental eruption.


mount anak krakatau

Credit: BaliLuxuriousVillas


Meanwhile, Lampung Cultural and Tapis Carnaval will feature various cultural attractions in the province including the beautiful traditional cloth called Tapis.


According to Indonesia Tourism Minister, Arief Yahya, this event is expected to bring 5,000 foreign tourists and 20,000 domestic tourists. He added that Krakatau is the perfect tourist destination for Lampung, because it has already strong brand globally.


Meanwhile Lampung Governor, Ridho Ficardo, said that the festival aim is not only to increase the number of tourist arrivals, but also to strengthen the Krakatau brand.


The Lampung Krakatau Festival is the only event in Lampung Province which is part of the program of 100 Wonderful Indonesia Calendar Events this year.


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